Cracks in the Driveway
Driveway RepairIt’s that time of year again! It’s time to get back outside! When you do, you’ll notice the flowers are in bloom, the grass is thicker and greener, and the trees have flowering buds that turn to leaves. Spring is springing, indeed! When…
Lifting Concrete with Foam
Concrete Raising, Concrete RepairSome homeowners know if the driveway has a lot of cracks or if the driveway has pulled away from the garage. This is an indication there is a problem. You may be aware of the term “mud jacking.” Or you may have seen large, heavy cement…
6 Tips to Prepare Your Driveway for Winter
Concrete Raising, Driveway RepairWinter is here, and along with it snow and ice. If you have a driveway and want to take care of it, you may be inetrested in how winter could affect your driveway. While freshly fallen snow may look pretty, the winter weather can take a toll…
Concrete Foam Lifting
Polyurethane Concrete RaisingConcrete lifting foam is used to level, raise, or lift concrete. This procedure works to correct uneven concrete by affecting the soil beneath it. Since the early 1900s, slab or mud jacking has been used to repair and lift concrete slabs. This…
How to add Humidity to your Home
Adding Humidity to your home, Home ImprovementLiving in Kansas City is exceptional. The people are friendly, the amenities are rich in culture and events, and the seasons are wonderful: winter, spring, summer, and fall. Plus, The Chiefs! People often talk about the weather in Kansas City;…
Should you wait to repair your sinking concrete?
Concrete RepairProcrastinate: To put it off, do it mañana, later gator, and I’ll get to it tomorrow. Sound familiar? Sometimes, life gets in the way of doing the things that need to be done. Projects that need to be done look as though they could really…
Get Cracks in Concrete Repaired before Winter
Concrete RepairNo one likes to see cracks in a driveway they own. Worse is watching those cracks get larger and larger. Unless you are in the business of foam concrete repair, you may not be aware of the issues that can arise from ignoring these cracks over…
Use Concrete Leveling Foam
Polyurethane Concrete RaisingYou noticed it. Don’t pretend you didn’t. You notice it every time you leave the house, but you ignore it. You think it won’t get any worse. You’re hoping it won’t get any worse. You start to wonder, is it worse now than last year?…
Visible Voids under concrete driveway
Driveway RepairIt’s hard to find a person who does not like animals. According to the AAPA National Pet Owners Survey, 65 million households have dogs, and 46 million have cats. Those are the kinds of animals people want to have around. There are other animals,…
What to do about a void under slab of concrete
Concrete Raising SystemsThey are under your sidewalk. And could lurk under your driveway. They may even exist under your car at night. You can’t see it. You may not even be able to hear it. But they are there. And with each passing year, it gets worse. When it gets…