Snow Plowing can Ruin your Driveway
Concrete RepairThe snow is coming. The forecast of snow may have eluded us one weekend only to blast us sometime soon. When snow does blanket the Kansas City area, we tend to forget what is underneath. Hibernation sets in, the squirrels settle in, flowers…
Concrete Lifting Foam Experts
Mud Jacking with FoamWhen it comes to raising concrete slabs with foam, you won’t find any company with more experience and a professional work ethic than Concrete Raising Systems. During winter, the ground is frozen until late February or early March. This means…
Christmas in Kansas City
Concrete Raising SystemsThe holidays are a time to be with family, remember the events and learning of the past year as you get ready for a new one, shop till you drop, and spend some quality time taking in the wonders that Kansas City has to offer. The moments between…
Is it too Late to Lift my Concrete?
Mud Jacking with FoamThere is a chill in the air. A feeling that things are starting to slow down in anticipation of the winter that is to come. Leaves are falling, squirrels are busy preparing for winter, and it stays darker longer in the morning. Hibernating animals…
Mud jacking with Foam
Mud Jacking with FoamTechnology is all around us. It is hard to avoid and sometimes hard to keep up with. The only way to get away from it is to unplug and confine yourself to an island with no electricity. It sounds delightful. But we have come to enjoy and thoroughly…
How much will mudjacking cost?
Concrete Raising Systems, Mud Jacking with Foam“Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.” Have you ever heard this quote before? How about this one? "A year from now, you may wish you have started today." Good advice many would say. Especially when it comes to fixing things…
Fixing Concrete with Foam
Mud Jacking with FoamWe live in a very high-tech world today. It wasn’t that long ago that Social Media, The Apple Store, YouTube, and Google Maps did not exist. And in June 2007, the iPhone was introduced to the world. The trend for products that make life…
Concrete Lifting Foam
Driveway RepairMaintaining a house is an ongoing responsibility. Most condo, apartment, or new home construction owners don't have this task. Homeowners usually have one or more issues in or around the house that need attention- and money at any given time.…
Happy Birthday, Concrete Raising Systems!
Concrete RepairStart a small business today and there is a 45% chance that it will fail in the first five years. It is a surprising fact to find that five of every ten businesses will fail before their 5th birthday. There are many reasons why a business might…
Concrete Reasons Why Mudjacking Doesn’t Work
Mud Jacking with FoamWe don’t have anything against mud jacking companies. We are a small business just like they are and we think there is enough business to go around for everyone. If you’ve had your driveway, sidewalk, steps, or patio mud jacked and were…