
Archive for category: Mud Jacking with Foam

Concrete Lifting Foam Experts

When it comes to raising concrete slabs with foam, you won’t find any company with more experience and a professional work ethic than Concrete Raising Systems. During winter, the ground is frozen until late February or early March. This means…

Is it too Late to Lift my Concrete?

There is a chill in the air. A feeling that things are starting to slow down in anticipation of the winter that is to come. Leaves are falling, squirrels are busy preparing for winter, and it stays darker longer in the morning. Hibernating animals…

Mud jacking with Foam

Technology is all around us. It is hard to avoid and sometimes hard to keep up with. The only way to get away from it is to unplug and confine yourself to an island with no electricity. It sounds delightful.  But we have come to enjoy and thoroughly…

Fixing Concrete with Foam

We live in a very high-tech world today. It wasn’t that long ago that Social Media, The Apple Store, YouTube, and Google Maps did not exist. And in June 2007,  the iPhone was introduced to the world. The trend for products that make life…

Concrete Leveling in Kansas City

Concrete is heavy! Concrete driveway and sidewalk slabs are super heavy! It is hard to believe that sinking and cracking  heavy concrete could be leveled by foam but it can! The foam that is used for concrete leveling and repair is a high-tech…

Foam Jacking Mudjacking cost

Concrete lifting foam is the best alternative to traditional mud jacking available today. The traditional mudjacking components are cement, water and fill dirt. The very nature of these elements increases the chance that the concrete slab you…

How much does Foam Jacking Cost?

'How much does foam jacking cost?' is a great question.  In a perfect world, a customer wants that answer over the phone. Unfortunately, in the foam jacking world, it is not possible to answer that question accurately over the phone without…